четверг, 1 ноября 2012 г.

Magic beauty of a black orchid

     Black orchids are mysterious flowers. You hear about them in witchcraft stories, in spooky legends and in myths. They are described as fantasy flowers that have magical powers. In reality, the black orchid is just and exotic and intriguing flower that is becoming a rarity as each day passes by, due to the continuous destruction of its natural environment.    
 Encyclia cohleatum is the official name for a black orchid. The black orchid is the national flower of Belize and, of course, is black in color, boasting purple veins.
     A black orchid was a rare plant found only in South America. It was held sacred by a local tribe, who considered themselves its guardians. When botanist George Cranleigh stole a black orchid, the natives captured, tortured and mutilated him for his crime.  This is the story of the little mystic black orchid.
    Black orchids are a symbol of power and absolute authority. It is generally known that black is an imposing color, symbolizing authority and submission and, combined with the luxurious beauty of the orchid, the black orchid came out symbolizing great power . Although it is thought of having dark connotations, the black orchid is a sign of the elite class. They are formal and very classy.

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